Thursday, September 30, 2010

10 days: a quick recap of a lot of stuff

I know it has been FOREVER and a year or so since I updated my blog, a sure sign that #1 I am having lots of fun in Italy, and #2 that I am normal, because this always happens when I try to blog or journal or anything. Let me take a look at my calendar to remember all of the things I have done since I last wrote and I will try to give a little recap of each.

Sunday after I last updated we went to the site of Tiberius’s grotto in Sperlonga, south of Rome. We spend the morning at the villa, grotto and museum, we got to see some really important and somewhat famous sculptures that were potentially made by the same artists that carved the Laocoon. This site was also really cool because in the 1960’s when it was discovered the town of Sperlonga protested the larger museums from Rome who wanted to take the sculptures and they now have a beautiful museum to house the artifacts from the site. In the afternoon we got to swim in the Tyrrhenian Sea, which was extra warm, and the current was super strong because some of the remains of the villa are near shore and they cause a current.

Wedensday the 22nd we went to Tarquinia to see the famous painted Etruscan tombs, which are some of the best-preserved tombs in Italy, unfortunately (but for the sake of preservation) you can only see them through a glass window and thus we didn’t get to see the backs of some of the more complex tombs. Again in the afternoon we got to visit the beach which was a little chilly and totally deserted (probably because it was a Wednesday in late September but it was a little eerie)

That weekend 24-26 a few of us took a long weekend to Florence and I got to see two of my friends from WU which was a welcome change of pace. I got to see the Uffizi and the academy but it was Italy cultural weekend and the museums were free so they were all PACKED, it was a little crazy. I want to go back for at least a day and see some things I missed but it was a great weekend, and I got some gift shopping done at the open air market and even got myself a new bag.

I have been having lots of fun in Orvieto and even met some people outside of our program that I have been hanging out with and it has been a lot of fun, despite the fact that I am getting almost no sleep on a fairly regular basis now! I will update about Palestrena and Pompeii this weekend at a later time!
Lots of love jess

Monday, September 20, 2010

Tyrrhenian Sea!

This weekend our field trip was on sunday and we went to Sperlonga to see the famous grotto of the emperor  Tiberius, and his villa. This whole site was right on the coast of the Tyrrhenian sea (which is really part of the Mediterranean). It was such a long bus ride: almost 3 hours! But definitely worth it.

The site was amazing, as well all the sculpture. One of the inscriptions says that the artists of the works were the same ones who did the Laocoon, which allows us to date that work, because of the precise and historical data we have about Sperlonga. This site is also really unique because the town fought and protested in the 1950's to keep the sculpture on site, and they now have a beautiful museum to house these works instead of them having been shipped off to Rome.

Then we got to hang out at the beach and swim which was absolutely amazing. The water was extra warm and the beach was nice. One of the interesting things about the beach at Sperlonga is that the ruins of Tiberius's villa extend past the modern day water line, so on half of the beach you have to be very careful not to run into the ruins as they are somewhat sharp. The current was also really strong, and the water extra salty, but once you got out past the ruins the ocean was amazing and totally worth it!

all in all it was a wonderful field trip!


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Gnocchi and tiramisu

Yesterday was the 21st birthday of Nick the guy on our trip. So after classes we went out for dinner at a restaurant we have affectionately named crunchy pizza place. And then came back to our house for some drinks and birthday pastry before going out. It was a lot of fun, but a little weird because I was drinking with my Latin teacher. I find it interesting that whenever a large group of classics lovers go out and drink inevitably the Greek vs Roman debate occurs and people love nerdy talk. I also had a great time bonding with my roommates. Oh alcohol the great social lubricant.

Today we had a lazy day, I spent most of the afternoon at the Internet cafĂ©, torrenting some music Amar told me about. Took years (or hour) but totally worth it. Listening to them now: jukebox the ghost. Then we all met and headed to Alba’s (one of our directors) house to cook an authentic Italian meal. We spent many hours making tiramisu and gnocchi (which are potato noodles) then had a full dinner with gnocchi, cheese, salame, and some wonderful bread accompanied of course by some wine and followed by our tiramisu and some grappa. It was such hard work to roll out all the noodles, but our director’s daughter said that in 8 years we have made the best gnocchi. I got the recipes I am hoping I remember them so I can make some for my family when I get home. Tiramisu at least! It was so much food that it made me sleepy! Then home to finish up some homework for Thursday and journal a bit before class tomorrow. I think we are planning on going to the market in the morning to get some clothes for our spelunking trip, and maybe some fresh fruit, veggies, and maybe even some nuts. The market is tons of fun and gives us an opportunity to work on the Italian that we all find so difficult!

I am hoping that classes on Thursday go a little better, one of my profs is a difficult lecturer to follow and it is a little frustrating. I also always have his 2 classes in a row! At least I am not the only one suffering.
More later jlm 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Tivoli, among other things

I have been in Italy for over a week now. That is so WEIRD to think about. I have adjusted a lot I feel, it is weird to get used to hanging out with a whole new group of people, they are very different than my friends in Texas or at school.
The one thing that I am really going to love will be our field trips (Wednesday and Friday of most weeks!) This week on Wednesday we walked around Orvieto and on Friday we went to Tivoli to see Hadrian’s villa and the villa de Este.
Wednesday: We met the mom of one of our two directors, her name is Erica and she came over here as a grad student, met Claudio’s (our director) father and has been living here ever since. She is an art historian and she took us through Il duomo and Signorelli’s chapel. Both of which were absolutely beautiful and she gave us a lot of information on both. It was nice to do a private guided tour. After the church Claudio took us on a walk and we went to the old clock tower and climbed to the top from which we could see three of the four centers of power, the other we were standing on. The centers of power were religion, money, military, and politics. Then we took a walk to the medieval quarter of town and looked at some caves and the old main entry gate and original church in town. After that we took a break for lunch. After lunch it was raining (yay!) and we went to look at the “Orvieto underground” which has much history and has been used throughout the occupation of the town for different purposes. It was really interesting because Claudio told us the popular explanation for much of caves as well as what he really thought. It was a really good chance to see a lot of the history of Orvieto as well as the things they are famous for.
Friday: In the morning we went to Hadrian’s villa in Tivoli, the villa complex was HUGE (and we didn’t even walk through all of it. This villa known for the building techniques and monumental scale as well as the art throughout the villa. Many important Roman copies of Greek sculpture were found here. The complex was absolutely monumental, and to imagine anyone actually living there took my breath away. It was also great to see copies of many of the artworks I have looked at in classes in college. After a nice lunch in Tivoli we set out for the villa de este, which was once the villa of a cardinal and has some of the most breathtaking gardens in the whole world. We got there just in time to see the organ fountain which is this large fountain in which the movement of the water makes the organ play, the fountain itself wasn’t crazy of extravagant but the technology behind it is very interesting. Some of the other fountains in the gardens were amazing, as were many of the fountains. The inside of the villa is also well decorated with the art of numerous artists. As with Hadrian’s villa it is hard form me to fathom people living in a place as beautiful as the Villa de Este.
Weekend: The rest of the weekend as been fun and relaxing we went out both nights and kind of hung around during the day, working on homework, reading, walking the lifestyle is slower paced so weekends have just been about adjusting to that. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Classes and outdoor market

Classes have started (kind of) we only have them 3 days a week and field trips on Wednesday and Friday. This Friday is Tivoli and Hadrian's villa which should be super interesting. I switched my classes up a little from what I planned on taking, but now I get to take Etruscan art and Archaeology which I am very excited about.

This morning we got up early, met our italian teacher and went to the outdoor market in order to get some fresh groceries and get a little italian practice, it was fun to buy lots of healthy and local veggies. The outdoor market occurs twice a week and includes all kinds of produce, meats, cheese, and some other select things such as jewelry, clothes, rugs, bags, books, ect. I got a new shirt and bracelet along with our groceries and we are going back this week to look for cheap clothes for one of our field trips; it is a repelling and spelunking trip in Parrano, where all of our clothes will be ruined by bat guano. Italian version of value village/goodwill here I come!

Monday, September 6, 2010


Il Duomo, some pretty scenery, and the best graffiti in orvieto


I have already taken to writing the date in the European manner, as well as keeping time using the 24-hour method, both of which have always made more sense to me. One thing I am not used to yet, is the Italian slow paced way of life, I am not used to having nothing to do or no internet to occupy my time, I have heard this will change my outlook on life (that is yet to occur, although last summer did, so I am sure I will feel the effects soon). I am ready for classes and things to start, which they do tonight (the day I am writing this (and probably not posting)) with welcome dinner, then orientation and things tomorrow. I have started to make some travel plans, I believe Oktoberfest in September, London/Oxford for our fall break in October, my parents come in November, probably to meet me in Venice, and maybe Greece the other 3 day weekend, as well as trips to Rome and maybe Florence. I also have the two weeks after classes to think about: maybe Spain, and Paris, I would also like to fit in Amsterdam and some time in Germany. I have so much that I want to do! I am excited by the prospect of classes starting, call me a nerd but I am ready to get back to learning and taking trips! I feel as though this semester will be a totally new experience for me both mentally and emotionally. I am already learning about myself in ways I didn’t think I would.
It is so exciting to make new friends in my roommates, but I definitely miss my school ones as well: they are my nutty and dysfunctional college family that I wouldn’t trade for the world!! I also really miss Austin and everyone there, it has been weird to go from living with all guys for 3 months back to living with all girls, as much as it is similar it is also a totally different atmosphere. The food, as everyone told me is great, and somehow I have re-found a love of sweet things and have eaten so much gelato already! It has taken me some time to adjust to the time difference, probably because I could barely sleep on the plane over here, then stupidly took a 4-hour nap the day I got here, messing it all up. The goal for today is to stave off my desire to nap and get it all back on track! So right now we have no power in our downstairs, which is apparently a fact of life in Italy, and we just have to kind of wait and see if it goes back on, if not we have to find and flip the breaker (ahh!) The weather and everything like that has been great, high of like 80, but chilly at night, just perfect if you ask me!
Today, we (4 of the 5 girls in our apartment) got up late (oops) and walked around a little (it is what the Italians do) and went to the medieval district, to take some pictures and see more of Orvieto. After which we browsed the few open stores and had lunch by the Duomo, so it was a little expensive, but quite tasty! Now I am writing a blog update, fighting the desire to take a nap, and enjoying the outdoors in our courtyard, patio thing. That’s all for now, more after our welcome dinner, and orientation tomorrow!

We went to orientation, and got a tour of the school today, which is where I am now using the internet. I only have class 3 days a week (Mon, tues, thurs) the rest is devoted to trips and free time. I also don't start class until 10, which I could get used too! Beyond this I don't have the energy to write a huge update until later (as I have still been having tons of trouble sleeping at night!) 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

24 (plus a few hours)

I am sitting in Philadelphia airport waiting out my two-hour layover. One of the 3 legs of my journey is done. For the last 24 hours whenever I have talked about being nervous people tell me not to worry that I will have the time of my life. But I can’t help but be a little scared and overwhelmed about the journey I am undertaking. Around me middle age vacationers chat excitedly about their 2-week trips.

Part 2: I made it to Orvieto safely. The train from Roma to Orvieto was the only minor speed bump. I forgot about assigned seats on some Italian trains, and happened to get on the last car (#8) when I needed to be on # 3 and had to haul my luggage and self through the masses of shoving Italians to my seat. But once there I just had to stay awake so I didn’t miss my stop in Orvieto. After a nap that was 2 hours longer than I intended, I un-packed some, I am waiting to do all of the arranging until my roommate gets here. That being said for the next 3 months I am living in an “apartment” which to me is more reminiscent of a condo but whatever, with 4 other girls. It should be fun, but I feel as though this summer has prepared me for living with new people. So for now we are all just kind of hanging out and exploring and stuff I guess until Sunday night when we have a group dinner and then orientation and other things of the like on Monday. On  the way from the train station to my home (that’s what the apartment thing is now being called) I got to see the outside of the school, its looks nice, and close. It is right in the square (Piazza) with the famous Orcieto cathedral (duomo), which is absolutely beautiful (look words in Italian I am learning! Kind of). The rest of the city, which I will explore soon, looks quaint, not quite as small as Torrnereccio from last summer, nor as chaotic and busy as Roma. 
For those who are really dedicated and would like to send me snail mail (or packages! Yay) my address is:
c/o Centro Studi CittĂ  di Orvieto
Piazza Duomo, 20
05018 ORVIETO (TR)
For those who aren’t quite as dedicated but still love me I appreciate email, skype, and the like as well.
When communicating keep in mind I am 7 hours from central time, and 9 from west coast time. So plan accordingly if a more immediate response is desired.
Love everyone more soon. 

How I am getting internet right now: We thought the internet cafe would close for siesta and then re-open, false, It closed for the day at 2: that is Italia for you. So while we were standing there frustrated a cute italian guy asked us what we needed we told him internet. He proceeded to tell us the restaurant he works at down the street has internet and told us the password. So now we are sitting on the step next door using the internet, and old man just walked buy and clicked his tongue and shook his head, a sign I am sure of his disapproval 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I leave tomorrow at 11 am central standard time. Less than 24 hours and I am so nervous I could vomit. I needed to put it into words. Now I must return to packing and defensive driving.