Friday, October 8, 2010


I know I said that I would update about Pomeii and Palestrena, but there is a slight change of plans, this whole updating about what I am doing isn’t cutting it, I don’t really have the motivation to keep that up. Instead I am going to write a blog about how I am feeling. Somedays I wake up still really overwhelmed that I am in Europe, and then I walk across the Piazza duomo and watch all the tourists gawk and it is conformation that I am still here, and I am adjusting. I am having some trouble getting motivated for school work, but I think that is just that fall break was looming around the corner. Now that it is here I can’t wait to be out of Italy for a little while and experience some of the rest of Europe. Amsterdam for 2.5 ish days and then London for 4 will be just what the doctor ordered and hopefully I will come back slightly less jaded to school. I really do love learning its just I am having trouble getting motivated.

I am also really missing my friends from school. We have all grown closer on a consistent basis and it was kind of a shock not going back to be with them this fall. It is weird to watch life at school progress without me there, and I think I will be ready to be back in the thick of things in the spring. Not to be trite but I also really miss certain foods from home. I miss fresh seafood and American breakfast, and Mexican food, and coffee (not straight espresso). I miss going on winco runs and checking out value village before parties and dances. Little things at school have become such an integral part of what I associate with learning I am almost having school culture shock.

I already feel like I have matured some being here, and I am making great friends with the people I am with, I just also need to be around new people for a little while which is why seeing Izzy in London and maybe college friends as well will give me a needed social respite. I hadn’t really appreciated the diversity of my group of friends until now, and I can’t wait to go back to having that many people around me that I love and care about. I am devastated that I wont see some people for a year, those who are going abroad in the Spring, I am stoked for them because abroad has been a kick ass time, but I m also a little selfish. 

I think that this program is great, I love getting to see so many things that I probably wouldn’t have otherwise, I think it will make me a more savvy traveler in December. Enough deep thoughts for now, I am sitting in the grass on the side of the Duomo, the weather is wonderful, I just want to sit for a little while!