Monday, September 6, 2010


I have already taken to writing the date in the European manner, as well as keeping time using the 24-hour method, both of which have always made more sense to me. One thing I am not used to yet, is the Italian slow paced way of life, I am not used to having nothing to do or no internet to occupy my time, I have heard this will change my outlook on life (that is yet to occur, although last summer did, so I am sure I will feel the effects soon). I am ready for classes and things to start, which they do tonight (the day I am writing this (and probably not posting)) with welcome dinner, then orientation and things tomorrow. I have started to make some travel plans, I believe Oktoberfest in September, London/Oxford for our fall break in October, my parents come in November, probably to meet me in Venice, and maybe Greece the other 3 day weekend, as well as trips to Rome and maybe Florence. I also have the two weeks after classes to think about: maybe Spain, and Paris, I would also like to fit in Amsterdam and some time in Germany. I have so much that I want to do! I am excited by the prospect of classes starting, call me a nerd but I am ready to get back to learning and taking trips! I feel as though this semester will be a totally new experience for me both mentally and emotionally. I am already learning about myself in ways I didn’t think I would.
It is so exciting to make new friends in my roommates, but I definitely miss my school ones as well: they are my nutty and dysfunctional college family that I wouldn’t trade for the world!! I also really miss Austin and everyone there, it has been weird to go from living with all guys for 3 months back to living with all girls, as much as it is similar it is also a totally different atmosphere. The food, as everyone told me is great, and somehow I have re-found a love of sweet things and have eaten so much gelato already! It has taken me some time to adjust to the time difference, probably because I could barely sleep on the plane over here, then stupidly took a 4-hour nap the day I got here, messing it all up. The goal for today is to stave off my desire to nap and get it all back on track! So right now we have no power in our downstairs, which is apparently a fact of life in Italy, and we just have to kind of wait and see if it goes back on, if not we have to find and flip the breaker (ahh!) The weather and everything like that has been great, high of like 80, but chilly at night, just perfect if you ask me!
Today, we (4 of the 5 girls in our apartment) got up late (oops) and walked around a little (it is what the Italians do) and went to the medieval district, to take some pictures and see more of Orvieto. After which we browsed the few open stores and had lunch by the Duomo, so it was a little expensive, but quite tasty! Now I am writing a blog update, fighting the desire to take a nap, and enjoying the outdoors in our courtyard, patio thing. That’s all for now, more after our welcome dinner, and orientation tomorrow!

We went to orientation, and got a tour of the school today, which is where I am now using the internet. I only have class 3 days a week (Mon, tues, thurs) the rest is devoted to trips and free time. I also don't start class until 10, which I could get used too! Beyond this I don't have the energy to write a huge update until later (as I have still been having tons of trouble sleeping at night!) 

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