Saturday, September 4, 2010

24 (plus a few hours)

I am sitting in Philadelphia airport waiting out my two-hour layover. One of the 3 legs of my journey is done. For the last 24 hours whenever I have talked about being nervous people tell me not to worry that I will have the time of my life. But I can’t help but be a little scared and overwhelmed about the journey I am undertaking. Around me middle age vacationers chat excitedly about their 2-week trips.

Part 2: I made it to Orvieto safely. The train from Roma to Orvieto was the only minor speed bump. I forgot about assigned seats on some Italian trains, and happened to get on the last car (#8) when I needed to be on # 3 and had to haul my luggage and self through the masses of shoving Italians to my seat. But once there I just had to stay awake so I didn’t miss my stop in Orvieto. After a nap that was 2 hours longer than I intended, I un-packed some, I am waiting to do all of the arranging until my roommate gets here. That being said for the next 3 months I am living in an “apartment” which to me is more reminiscent of a condo but whatever, with 4 other girls. It should be fun, but I feel as though this summer has prepared me for living with new people. So for now we are all just kind of hanging out and exploring and stuff I guess until Sunday night when we have a group dinner and then orientation and other things of the like on Monday. On  the way from the train station to my home (that’s what the apartment thing is now being called) I got to see the outside of the school, its looks nice, and close. It is right in the square (Piazza) with the famous Orcieto cathedral (duomo), which is absolutely beautiful (look words in Italian I am learning! Kind of). The rest of the city, which I will explore soon, looks quaint, not quite as small as Torrnereccio from last summer, nor as chaotic and busy as Roma. 
For those who are really dedicated and would like to send me snail mail (or packages! Yay) my address is:
c/o Centro Studi Città di Orvieto
Piazza Duomo, 20
05018 ORVIETO (TR)
For those who aren’t quite as dedicated but still love me I appreciate email, skype, and the like as well.
When communicating keep in mind I am 7 hours from central time, and 9 from west coast time. So plan accordingly if a more immediate response is desired.
Love everyone more soon. 

How I am getting internet right now: We thought the internet cafe would close for siesta and then re-open, false, It closed for the day at 2: that is Italia for you. So while we were standing there frustrated a cute italian guy asked us what we needed we told him internet. He proceeded to tell us the restaurant he works at down the street has internet and told us the password. So now we are sitting on the step next door using the internet, and old man just walked buy and clicked his tongue and shook his head, a sign I am sure of his disapproval 

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